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Beginning of the ginkakuji はじまりの入り口 京都市左京区 銀閣寺
Beginning of the ginkakuji はじまりの入り口 京都市左京区 銀閣寺

In the Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Touzan Jishoji known as Ginkaku.
Established as Jishoji after death of your retirement of Ashikaga Yoshimasa in 1473 AD, principal image Shakanyorai.
Border outside Tatchu of Rinzai Shokokuji in Zen Buddhism.
The building has been designated as a special place of scenic beauty and historic sites special national treasure, the country, there is a garden to show the seasonal appearance in the famous sights in Kyoto.

京都市左京区にある、東山(とうざん) 慈照寺 通称銀閣寺。

妙心寺 紅葉01 京都市右京区
妙心寺 紅葉01 京都市右京区

Shouhouzan of a myoushin-ji temple in Hanazonomyoushinjicho, Ukyou-ku, Kyoto City.
The erected in 1342 AD ,The principal image is Shaka Nyorai (Shakyamuni).
Honzan of Rinzai Zen Buddhism Myoshinji school.
The sect of the largest in the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism.

京都市右京区花園妙心寺町にある、正法山 妙心寺。

Bridge of autumn leaves 紅葉の橋 京都市東山区 知恩院
Bridge of autumn leaves 紅葉の橋 京都市東山区 知恩院

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