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ラベル shrine の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル shrine の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


星に願いを 大阪府交野市 機物神社

Today's prayer 今日の祈り 大阪府交野市 機物神社
Today's prayer 今日の祈り 大阪府交野市 機物神社

Hatamono shrine in Osaka Katano.
In 1336 it is transmitted to have been founded.
In the area at the famous shrine in Chinese legend Tanabata, there is such as bridges come across is Orihime and Cowherd to Hoshida and Milky Way.
Deity is the Orihime.

大阪府交野市にある機物神社 (はたものじんじゃ) 。
中国の伝説 七夕(たなばた)で有名な神社で、

Milky way 星に願いを 大阪府交野市 機物神社
Milky way 星に願いを 大阪府交野市 機物神社

Cicada of the July 7 七夕の蝉 大阪府交野市 機物神社
Cicada of the July 7 七夕の蝉 大阪府交野市 機物神社

Past and present, it has connected with Circle.


gに+を頂けると励みになり嬉しいです (^^)


いまもある ここにある 時の流れ

The breeze 風
The breeze 風

This tunnel of traffic for which was made in 1876 AD, JR Kyoto railway line has been running now also above.


Street corner in Osaka 038

The little today… 今日は少しだけですぅ 京都府長岡京市 乗願寺
The little today… 今日は少しだけですぅ 京都府長岡京市 乗願寺

Fox guarding 咬むチカラ 大阪府高槻市 ある祠
Fox guarding 咬むチカラ 大阪府高槻市 ある祠

I have visited many times before from here, I looked before issuing this place, but there is no name to map,
There is a stone monument of the unique title of Nichiren Buddhism in the back, but it you do not know well there are many.
It is enshrined in Shinto syncretism as Buddhist temples of some of the old days.




Front of the exit 出口の前 大阪府高槻市 ある祠
Front of the exit 出口の前 大阪府高槻市 ある祠

I have visited many times before from here, I looked before issuing this place, but there is no name to map,
There is a stone monument of the unique title of Nichiren Buddhism in the back, but it you do not know well there are many.
It is enshrined in Shinto syncretism as Buddhist temples of some of the old days.

Eight million gods who come out to "Spirited Away" of Hayao miyazaki director are worshiped.
Eight million gods are the Japanese gods whom they cannot count it, and there is a lot.
It is a small portion, but is to land and a river and a pond and a tree and a stone and cursed gods.
Even a movie is talked about, but such a place is gradually disappearing by housing land development.

There is a creek shimenawa in the middle of the torii, and is enshrined as Haq former.


宮﨑駿 監督の"千と千尋の神隠し"にも出てくる、八百万の神々が祀られている。


The Japanese Gods 八百万の神々 大阪府高槻市 ある祠
The Japanese Gods 八百万の神々 大阪府高槻市 ある祠

Light and flame 炎と光 大阪府高槻市 不動明王 ある祠
Light and flame 炎と光 大阪府高槻市 ある祠 不動明王

Buddha in this right Buddha statue wearing a flame of anger, and Acala.
It is the Buddha is said to lead in love and anger the people who suffer from worldly desires.



さわさわの竹林と桜と石清水八幡宮 (いわしみずはちまんぐう)

Cherry and bamboo and Edison エジソンと竹と桜 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮
Cherry and bamboo and Edison エジソンと竹と桜 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮

Shrine historic Iwashimizu Hachimangu, Kyoto Yawata City Yawatatakabo.
Founded 860 AD.
There is the summit of bamboo forest climbed the cable car from Yawata City Station Keihan Main Line, involvement with Buddhism shrine deep.
Bamboo here contributes to the improvement of the incandescent light bulb, and there is a monument of Thomas Edison from the relationship.

石清水八幡宮 (いわしみずはちまんぐう)、京都府八幡市八幡高坊の歴史ある神社。

Surrounded by cherry 桜に巻かれて 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮 楼門
Surrounded by cherry 桜に巻かれて 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮 楼門

Vermilion 朱 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮
Vermilion 朱 京都府八幡市 石清八幡宮