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暑さ寒さも彼岸まで 奈良 新薬師寺

Distant shore 彼岸 奈良県奈良市 新薬師寺
Nichirinzan Shinyakusiji(new Yakushiji) Temple in Nara, Nara Prefecture Takahata-cho.
about 745 AD Empress the Koumyou by the foundation, The principal image is Buddha Yakushi.
In the temple of the Kegon, there is a new but quite old.

Including the Medicine Buddha of the Buddha, many of Twelve Heavenly Generals is a national treasure.
Although the site is not wide, there is a garden with a taste in such Yakushido.

There is the meaning, but, please feel something.

奈良市高畑町にある、日輪山 新薬師寺。



fragment それぞれ 奈良県奈良市 新薬師寺
Lizards, not run away even if I is not approaching.
On top of the climb and doing cold stone, I had been waiting for the sun after the rain.
I enough ramshackle is, though it was a hot day.

Lagartos, não fuja, mesmo que não está se aproximando.
No topo da subida e fazer frio de pedra, eu estava esperando o sol depois da chuva.
I desorganizado suficiente é, porém, foi um dia quente.

Lagartos, no se escapan incluso si no se está acercando.
En la parte superior de la subida y haciendo frío de piedra, que había estado esperando a que el sol después de la lluvia.
Me destartalada suficiente es, a pesar de que era un día caluroso.


空 奈良県奈良市 新薬師寺
Garden told me.
Not sky.

The dry landscape (Karesansui) Japanese garden is the style of the garden which I expressed which is abstract in gravel and a rock without using the required water for a garden.
The white gravel of the dry landscape Japanese garden expresses water, and the rock is said to express land.



gに+を頂けると励みになり嬉しいです (^^)

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