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Dry landscape 枯山水 京都市東山区 高台寺 円徳院 北庭
Dry landscape 枯山水 京都市東山区 高台寺 円徳院 北庭

In the Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Jubuzan Koudaiji.
The Kitanomandokoro (Nene) of the honest woman establishes it in hope of the erection of the temple in 1606 AD to condole with late Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
It is Zen Buddhism, and the beginning was a temple of the Soto sect, but is converted to the Kennin-ji Temple group of the Zen Buddhism in the same way in 1624 AD.
Garden seasonal occasional Zen unique, I have been said to the temple there is a delicate flavor of the main only of a woman named Nene.
There are place of end of the Kitanomandokoro (Nene), Entokuin of the Kennin-ji Temple group near.

The dry landscape (Karesansui) Japanese garden is the style of the garden which I expressed which is abstract in gravel and a rock without using the required water for a garden.
The white gravel of the dry landscape Japanese garden expresses water, and the rock is said to express land.
There is the meaning, but, please feel something.

京都市東山区にある、鷲峰山 (じゅぶさん) 高台寺。
亡き豊臣秀吉を弔うために正室 (正妻)の北政所 (ねね)が寺院の建立を願い西暦1606年に設立。
近くには、北政所 (ねね)の終焉の地とされる同じく建仁寺派の円徳院がある。


Lightly peep のぞき見 京都市東山区 高台寺 円徳院
Lightly peep のぞき見 京都市東山区 高台寺 円徳院

Also have been attracted また惹かれて 京都市東山区 高台寺
Also have been attracted また惹かれて 京都市東山区 高台寺

gに+を頂けると励みになり嬉しいです (^^)

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