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京都市上京区 相国寺

Amulet of demon 鬼の魔除け 京都市上京区 相国寺
Amulet of demon 鬼の魔除け 京都市上京区 相国寺

Mannenzan of a Shoukoku-ji temple in Sokokujimonzencho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City.
The erected in 1382 AD ,The principal image is Shaka Nyorai (Shakyamuni).
The headquarters of the Rinzai sect Shokoku-ji temple group in Zen Buddhism.
It is the temple which Kinkaku-ji Temple, Ginkaku-ji Temple summarizes.
It is Kinkaku-ji Temple and same Yoshimitsu Ashikaga to have made.
By the way, there is a dojo training of monks, I see occasionally a monk.

京都市上京区相国寺門前町にある、萬年山 相国寺(しょうこくじ)。

Nothing of Zen 無 京都市上京区 相国寺
Nothing of Zen 無 京都市上京区 相国寺

The dry landscape (Karesansui) Japanese garden is the style of the garden which I expressed which is abstract in gravel and a rock without using the required water for a garden.
The white gravel of the dry landscape Japanese garden expresses water, and the rock is said to express land.
There is the meaning, but, please feel something.


Amulet of peach 萬年山 京都市上京区 相国寺
Amulet of peach 萬年山 京都市上京区 相国寺

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